INSIDE DATA SCIENCE With the world bearing witness to unprecedented levels of sophistication in terms of technology at-least, the most pertinent question in the minds of every person in the technical field is to choose which particular domain of the industry to get an expertise in. With various hot and trending fields such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, IoT, Big Data research and what not, the decision making process becomes even more rapacious and unmanageable. So let’s try and explore one such field and possibly even simplify your decision. DATA SCIENCE The simple conclusion on hearing data science would be “science of data” i.e. basically the study of data. But what exactly is this study about, what is really expected from a trained data scientist, are some of the questions that possibly arise in the mind. For a beginner, data science can be visualized as a puzzle where a humongous and random set of data acts like the puzzle pieces and the aim ...